Adding value to your construction story: Francis McGinley explores how to elevate your company, product or service

by | Jan 2, 2024

Nine times out of 10, the reader of the CIF’s Construction magazine is a CIF member, a paid subscriber or someone with strong connections to the industry who might have picked up a copy at one of the prestigious events at which the magazine is distributed.

This makes you a potential client.

The point being, publications like this one still holds massive value to the advertiser in the construction industry in Ireland. Being the official publication of the CIF means that it arrives on the top table of CIF members once published.

I can confirm first-hand that I have received numerous responses from a small piece in the most recent edition. It works! I believe fully in the unorthodox or creative type of advert to capture the attention of the reader and to fully encapsulate your message.

I would be delighted to have a conversation with you as to how best we can do this.

Lots more to come

Did you know you can pay for advertorial space like this one to write an article to get your company message across or to promote a new or existing product or service?

In most cases, you only need one of the 3,000+ readers to turn into a customer and the advert is worthwhile. There are eight Construction editions for 2024.

Each publication is launched and distributed at coinciding CIF and other events meaning up to an additional 500 industry leaders per event will receive a copy of the magazine.

These events also offer fantastic opportunities by way of sponsorship with different levels and packages available. We also have the newsletter, which runs in tandem with each edition of the print magazine.

This has a massive 14,000 subscribers and there are various ways in which your company can utilise this to get a message across. If you have made it this far, I’ve got you, print media ain’t dead!

I am genuinely on the client’s side, always. I assure you I will lead you in the right direction as to what is best in elevating your product or service. Give me a call to discuss how we can elevate your company, product or service with a bespoke marketing campaign to suit your needs.

You can email me on [email protected] or call me today on +353 (87) 346 8151.

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